Part of campaign material for CARE and H&M Foundation.

Unfounded Ltd is an initiative to help close the gender gap in finance – by talking about women like we talk about business.

Since 2014, non-profit H&M Foundation has supported CARE International’s work to ensure equal rights for women, through economic empowerment. These projects have helped more than 167,500 women entrepreneurs in 18 countries start their journey out of poverty and into financial self-sufficiency, that in turn leads to job creation and economic growth where it is needed most.

This report is part of the H&M Foundation's global program on equality, raising awareness of the importance to re-define who can be a business leader. Why? Entire economies lose out when a substantial part of the population can't realize its full potential. Including women in the global economy is crucial to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Unfounded Ltd’s imagery illustrates women entrepreneurs that are locked behind the statistics.

The idea for the project was conceived by me during my last month at former agency Volontaire, and was carried out after my departure by creatives Johan Gustafsson and PR-strategist Christian Åkerhielm, together with the great team at H&M Foundation. The campaign was covered by top tier media, including Reuters:

Full report on Issuu:

Part of campaign material for CARE and H&M Foundation.

Part of campaign material for CARE and H&M Foundation.

Part of campaign material for CARE and H&M Foundation.


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